Tweezers LAB
Assemblies: Simple search form
Advanced search form
- Type car vehicle automobile to search for any of the words.
- Type "New York" car to search for 'New York' or 'car'.
- Type new +car to find only records which do contain 'car' and may contain word 'new'.
- Type -used car vehicle to find only records which contain words 'car' or 'vehicle' but not 'used'.
- Type n?w to find 'now' and 'new'.
- Type car* to find 'car' and 'cardinal'.
- Type *car to find 'vicar' and 'car'.
- Type *car* to find 'vicar', 'cardinal' and 'car'.
- Type " car " or "\scar\s" to find 'car' and not 'vicar' or 'cardinal'.
- Type +email:uni-lj to search for 'uni-lj' in the email field only.
- Type -email:edu to find records which do not have word 'edu' in the email field only.
- Type =lastName:Turk to find records with lastName field exactly equal to Turk.
- Type /lastName:Turk to find records with one line of lastName field exactly equal to Turk.
- Type {price} < 2000 to search for items with price field less than 2000.
Detailed search help.
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