Plot/Graph Commands =================== N draw new plot del delete selected plot tab select next plot, shift->tab select previous plot, select all X select plot axes (X,Y or both) {scroll??} ,(<) select next channel .(>) select previous channel T increase sample interval, shift->T decrease sample interval, alt->T switch sample/RMS A left S down D right W up Q rotate CW E rotate CCW Z zoom in, shift->Z zoom out, alt->Z autozoom ON/OFF C center plot ON/OFF, alt->C center point/grid space F freeze/unfreeze selected plot G select grid (tab selects plots again) H hide/unhide selected plot, unhide when all plots selected, hide/unhide grid when selected B erase old points On/Off P change point size, change grid point size when selected L plot data with lines, change grid lines when selected =(+) select previous color - select next color I show/hide trap mode indicators Control Commands ================ alt->0 thru alt->9 set locations 0-9 goto set locations RightArrow jog stage right, LeftArrow jog stage left, UpArrow jog stage up, DownArrow jog stage down shift->UpArrow open pinch-clamp, shift->DownArrow close pinch-clamp PageUp jog stage focus in, PageDn jog stage focus out Rbrckt limit pull range right, Lbrckt limit pull range left end pause pull/relax home reverse pull/relax alt->J decrease force feedback rate div, shift->J increase force feedback rate div alt->K decrease force feedback gain, shift->K increase force feedback gain alt->R decrease position feedback rate div, shift->R increase force feedback rate div alt->M decrease position feedback gain, shift->M increase position feedback gain U start/stop data collection shift->U save preferences and locations Y change file-write speed ; Y-axis-only force feedback : both XY axes force feedback (default) ctl->A autoAlign on/off