The Bustamante Lab | UC Berkeley | UniPR
Assemblies: Coverslip jig


Coverslip jig


Holds 6 coverslips , 24mm x 60 mm each, in place while laser engraver cuts 6 holes in each coverslip.

Machinist suggestion: Cut 7" x 3.5" piece from 1/2" aluminum plate.  Cover top side of block with layout dye.  Place block in corner of laser engraver table and burn pattern from file named "aluminum cuts lines only".  Then mill down the marked slots and drill holes to the depths indicated on file "aluminum cuts labeled".

User suggestion: Cut holes in glass coverslips from file named "holes only". Typical burn conditions with 2.0" focal-length lens and 25 watt laser are: 100% power, 10% speed and 500 pulses per inch.  It is usually necessary to repeat the pattern ~5 times and then break out any remaining glass with a needle. Note that the coverslip must be ordinary glass. A quartz coverslip will not cut because it has too low thermal expansion.


Type Tool
Coverslip jig
Glass coverslips are placed into slots and rest against dowel pins on left side

Coverslip jig
coverslip jig 2

coverslip jig 2

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last changed 2009/08/10 19:19

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