The Bustamante Lab | UC Berkeley | UniPR

About TweezersLAB

Anything required in a laboratory to run a single-molecule pulling experiment might be included in this site, including instrument design, auxiliary tools, disposable supplies, etc. User training and data analysis are also being addressed (see "Documents" section). It is our hope that the TweezersLAB web site will act as a meeting place for scientists, students, developers and vendors to share their experiences and make improvements to the science of single-molecule manipulation. If you are interested in joining our discussion group as a "user" or providing service as a vendor, please contact the Webmaster.

To begin exploring this site, click on "Assemblies" above and then open various parts of the tree to view parts and drawings. An "assembly" may be a part of the optical instrument or else a collection of tools and supplies. Some assemblies may contain links to internal sub-assemblies called "children".   You can travel back up the ladder by clicking on "parent" assembly.

TweezersLab is part of a collaboration between the The Bustamante Lab at UC Berkeley and the SCVSA Department at the University of Parma where the web site is hosted and maintained.

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