Tweezers LAB

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Category:Fluidics | Tools | boards | instrument assembly
(1) ADC board on first layer
(1) ADC board on first layer boards Controller Board Stack
(2) ADC board on second layer
The same set of 3 boards as on thye first layer (ADC board and 2 preamplifier boards) except rotated 180 degrees.
(2) ADC board on second layer boards Controller Board Stack
(3) Motor control board on third layer
(3) Motor control board on third layer boards Controller Board Stack
(4) Piezo control board on fourth layer
(4) Piezo control board on fourth layer boards Controller Board Stack
(5) Main control board on the fifth layer
(5) Main control board on the fifth layer boards Controller Board Stack
(6) Connect boards with ribbon cable
(6) Connect boards with ribbon cable boards Controller Board Stack
(8) Color code
Green = Force detector trap-A Blue = Position detector trap-A
(8) Color code boards Controller Board Stack
(9) more Color Codes
Yellow = Force detector trap-B Red = Position detector trap-B
(9) more Color Codes boards Controller Board Stack
Power connector, 3-wire
Black is ground; red is +5V; white is +12V.
Power connector, 3-wire boards Controller Power Supply
Power connector, 4-wire
Brown is ground; orange is +15V; blue is -15V. The reason for 4 wires is to reduce confusion with connections if both were 3-wire.
Power connector, 4-wire boards Controller Power Supply
Piezo control board
version 9 uses surface-mount amplifiers Apex PA340
Piezo control board boards Piezo driver board
Piezo_Driver 8
version 8 used Apex PA240 amplifiers
Piezo_Driver 8 boards Piezo driver board
Laser Power Supply Board
side that faces away from front panel
Laser Power Supply Board boards Laser Power Supply
Diode Driver Board Modified
Thorlabs IP 500 diode driver modified by soldering in wire harness. Remove trim pot "P/I ADJ" and solder 3 wires into holes. Requires careful work with a "solder sucker". The board is connected to a socket 16 through 12" ribbon cable.
Diode Driver Board Modified boards Laser Power Supply
C) Circuit boards and cables
This is a picture of the detector with the DL-10 detector with its window removed and soldered in place.
C) Circuit boards and cables instrument assembly force detector
D) PSD Holder with 2 detector boards
Shown is the DL-10 detector with window removed. To learn how to remove it, see "How to: Remove the window cover from the DL-10 detector" under Documents. Make sure to solder the detector in the proper orientation in accordance with the picture.
D) PSD Holder with 2 detector boards instrument assembly force detector
E) PSD Holder with assembled boards
E) PSD Holder with assembled boards instrument assembly force detector
(7) Attach detector cables
Plug detector cables into 8-pin headers on Preamp Boards. Position connector with red wire and blank position on top. Be carefull not to plug it upside down or offset right/left by 1 pin. Such a mistake won't damage anything, but it won't work that way.
(7) Attach detector cables boards Analog to Digital Converter Board
Controller Board Stack
ADC Mother board
Install 2 jumpers: (1) from EOC (End Of Conversion) to ribbon wire 17 (2) from CS (Chip Select) to ribbon wire 15
ADC Mother board boards Analog to Digital Converter Board
ADC board with piggyback preamplifier boards
ADC board with piggyback preamplifier boards boards Analog to Digital Converter Board
board back side
board back side boards laser power supply circuit board
board front side
board front side boards laser power supply circuit board
Push button Modified
Bend tabs and solder wires that will feed through holes in PC board
Push button Modified boards laser power supply circuit board
detector boards
detector boards boards
motor limit board
Part of Detector Board set has been cut ouy
motor limit board boards
Preamp Board bottom
Preamp Board bottom boards Preamp board
Preamp Board side
Preamp Board side boards Preamp board
Preamp Board top
Preamp Board top boards Preamp board
Main control board
Main control board boards main control board
Motor control board
Motor control board boards Motor control board

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