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Category:Fluidics | Tools | boards | instrument assembly
A) Wiggler.. pieces to assemble
A) Wiggler.. pieces to assemble instrument assembly fiber wiggler
a) Laser power supply
a) Laser power supply instrument assembly Laser Power Supply
A) parts to mount
A) parts to mount instrument assembly Optical rail and objective sliding mount
A) Mechanical parts only
A) Mechanical parts only instrument assembly force detector
A) apply epoxy
about 2 uL of UV-set epoxy spread on flat bevel of pickoff tube
A) apply epoxy instrument assembly position detector lower periscope
A) Prism Box Parts
A) Prism Box Parts instrument assembly Prism Box
ADC Mother board
Install 2 jumpers: (1) from EOC (End Of Conversion) to ribbon wire 17 (2) from CS (Chip Select) to ribbon wire 15
ADC Mother board boards Analog to Digital Converter Board
ADC board with piggyback preamplifier boards
ADC board with piggyback preamplifier boards boards Analog to Digital Converter Board
A) Base with circuit board
A) Base with circuit board instrument assembly Laser assembly

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