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Category:Fluidics | Tools | boards | instrument assembly
D) Wiggler.. mandrel to guide Piezo Tube
D) Wiggler.. mandrel to guide Piezo Tube instrument assembly fiber wiggler
Diode Driver Board Modified
Thorlabs IP 500 diode driver modified by soldering in wire harness. Remove trim pot "P/I ADJ" and solder 3 wires into holes. Requires careful work with a "solder sucker". The board is connected to a socket 16 through 12" ribbon cable.
Diode Driver Board Modified boards Laser Power Supply
D) test the bracket
D) test the bracket instrument assembly Optical rail and objective sliding mount
D) PSD Holder with 2 detector boards
Shown is the DL-10 detector with window removed. To learn how to remove it, see "How to: Remove the window cover from the DL-10 detector" under Documents. Make sure to solder the detector in the proper orientation in accordance with the picture.
D) PSD Holder with 2 detector boards instrument assembly force detector
D) cut film
outside of tube with scalpel blade
D) cut film instrument assembly position detector lower periscope
D) Place PBS cubes and RA prisms
D) Place PBS cubes and RA prisms instrument assembly Prism Box
detector boards
detector boards boards
Dowel pins made from 1/8" Brass tube
Use same brass tube as in wiggler, cut to 1/2" length
Dowel pins made from 1/8" Brass tube instrument assembly
D) Unwind the optical fibre from the box
D) Unwind the optical fibre from the box instrument assembly Laser assembly

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